Arrival, welcome by a representative of Lanka Sportreizen and transfer to Chaaya Village in Habarana.

Take an afternoon jeep safari in Minneriya National Park to witness the famous ‘Gathering’ of wild elephants.

Overnight stay at the Chaaya Village, Habarana

After breakfast visit Sigiriya Sanctuary for a morning of delightful birdwatching.  In addition to seeing the typical dry zone species the ‘tanks’ around Sigiriya host an array of birds associated with water.habarana


The more interesting ones include Spot-billed Pelican, Oriental Darter, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Grey-headed Fish-eagle, SHAHEEN (the local race of the Peregrine, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, sri lanka Green-pigeon, ‘Square-tailed’ Drongo-cuckoo, sri lanka Grey Hornbill, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Black-rumped Flameback, CRIMSON-BACKED FLAMEBACK, sri lanka Swallow, Large Cuckooshrike, Black-headed Cuckooshrike, sri lanka woodshrike, Asian Paradise Flycatcher, White-rumped Shama and Greater Racket-tailed Drongo


Afternoon jeep safari at the Minneriya National Park for a second chance to witness the famous ‘Gathering’ of wild elephants


Overnight stay at the Chaaya Village, Habarana

An early breakfast is needed today in order to climb to the summit of the Sigiriya Rock Fortress ahead of the mid-day heat. View the ruins of the citadel of King Kashyapa (500 AD) and the breathtaking vista right around the rock from 200 m above the plateau.


In the afternoon either rest or visit Minneriya National Park once more to witness the assembly of elephants.  The tank just outside your hotel and hotel’s bird trails also present a relaxing birding session.


Overnight stay at the Chaaya Village, Habarana

After breakfast leave for the hill capital, Kandy where the Temple of the Tooth Relic stands. kandy

The Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha is the most important sacred relic in the island and is an object immensely venerated by all Buddhists.


After lunch, we relax for some hours to prepare ourselves for a grand evening.  Today is our day of witnessing the world famous pageant ‘Esala Perahera’ of Kandy.  We will have reserved seats for the parade and it will be well past midnight when we return to the hotel.


Overnight stay at the Cinnamon Citadel, Kandy

After breakfast leave for Nuwara Eliya visiting a Tea Factory en routehakgala botanical garden


Afternoon – birding in Hakgala Botanic Garden.

Birding highlights include sri lanka Woodpigeon, Crimson-backed Flameback, pied flycatcher shrike, Yellow-eared Bulbul, indian Blackbird, sri lanka Whistling-thrush, Dusky Blue Flycatcher, gre-headed canary flycatcher, sri lanka scimitar babbler, sri lanka bush warbler, great tit, sri lanka White-eye and black-throated munia.


Overnight stay at the St. Andrew’s Hotel, Nuwara Eliya

A predawn start with a packed breakfast to reach the Horton Plains at first light to see the elusive Whistling Thrush and for a morning of great birding

Species to lookout for: Ceylon Woodpigeon, Crimson-backed Flameback, Hill Swallow, Pied flycatcher shrike, Yellow-eared Bulbul, Indian Blackbird, sri lanka Whistling-thrush, Dusky Blue Flycatcher, Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher, Pied Bushchat, sri lanka Scimitar-babbler, Sri Lanka Bush-warbler, sri lanka White-eye and Black-throated Munia.

Possible Mammals: Purple-faced Leaf Monkey, Sambar and Dusky Striped Squirrel.


Return to Nuwara Eliya for lunch and spend the afternoon birding around Nuwara Eliya.


Overnight stay at the St. Andrew’s Hotel, Nuwara Eliya

After breakfast leave for Kitulgala.kithulgala


In the afternoon birding in the Kitulgala village area

Species to look for are: Sri Lanka Green-pigeon, Sri Lanka Hanging-parrot, Layard’s Parakeet, Green-billed Coucal, Serendib Scops-owl, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill, Yellow-fronted Barbet, Black-capped Bulbul, Spot-winged Ground-thrush, Sri Lanka Rufous Babbler, Orange Minivet, Legge’s Flowerpecker and Black-throated Munia.


Overnight stay at the Plantation Hotel, Kithulgala or similar

Full day birding in the Kelani Valley Forest Reservekithulgala


Birding highlights of Kitulgala will include Sri Lanka Green-pigeon, Sri Lanka Hanging-parrot, Layard’s Parakeet, Green-billed Coucal, Serendib Scops-owl, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill.

 Yellow-fronted Barbet, Black-capped Bulbul, Spot-winged Ground-thrush, Sri Lanka Rufous Babbler, Orange Minivet, Legge’s Flowerpecker, Black-throated Munia and sri lanka crested drongo.


Overnight stay at the Plantation Hotel, Kithulgala or similar

After breakfast leave for Sinharaja Rainforest (a UNESCO World Heritage Wilderness Area).

Have lunch at the Lodge and spend the afternoon birding in Sinharaja Forest.sinharaja forest


Possible species: Sri Lanka Junglefowl, Sri Lanka Hanging-parrot, Layard’s Parakeet, Green-billed Coucal, Red-faced Malkoha, Serendib Scops-owl, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Malabar Trogon, Yellow-fronted Barbet, Lesser Yellownape, Black-rumped Flameback, Crimson-backed Flameback, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Square-tailed Black Bulbul, Spot-winged Ground-thrush, Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush, Ashy-headed Laughingthrush, Brown-capped Babbler, Sri Lanka Scimitar-babbler, Dark-fronted Babbler, Sri Lanka Rufous Babbler, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Legge’s Flowerpecker, Sri Lanka White-eye, Black-throated Munia, White-faced Starling, Sri Lanka Hill-myna, Sri Lanka Crested Drongo Sri Lanka Blue Magpie.


Overnight at The Blue Magpie Lodge, Sinharaja

(A Rustic and basic lodge with electricity, running hot and cold water in attached shower room cum toilet.  Rooms have ceiling fans and mosquito nets. Excellent location and simple Sri Lankan food!)

Full day birding at Sinharaja Rainforest with picnic lunch.  Sinharaja is Sri Lanka’s last remaining rainforests and is home to most of the island’s endemic birdlife. sinharaja forest


Species to lookout for: Crested Goshawk, Shikra, Besra Sparrowhawk, Black Eagle, Rufous-bellied Eagle, Crested Hawk-eagle, Mountain Hawk-eagle, Sri Lanka Spurfowl, Sri Lanka Junglefowl, Sri Lanka Woodpigeon, Sri Lanka Hanging-parrot, Plum-headed Parakeet, Layard’s Parakeet, Green-billed Coucal, Red-faced Malkoha, Serendib Scops-owl, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Malabar Trogon, Yellow-fronted Barbet, Lesser Yellownape, Black-rumped Flameback, Crimson-backed Flameback, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Square-tailed Black Bulbul, Spot-winged Ground-thrush, Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush, Ashy-headed Laughingthrush, Brown-capped Babbler, Sri Lanka Scimitar-babbler, Dark-fronted Babbler, Sri Lanka Rufous Babbler, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Legge’s Flowerpecker, Sri Lanka White-eye, Black-throated Munia, White-faced Starling, Sri Lanka Hill-myna, Sri Lanka Crested Drongo and Sri Lanka Blue Magpie.


Overnight at The Blue Magpie Lodge, Sinharaja

After breakfast bird around the Lodge for some time and leave for a hotel near the Airport.


Overnight stay at the Goldi Sands Hotel, Negombo

Transfer to the Airport for departure 


(All passengers should be at the departure lobby of the Airport before 03 hours of their departure flight)